The Babe of Bethlehem and the Babes of the Bakoum: Jesus Became a Man to Sanctify Man

As we meditate on the incarnation of Jesus Christ this Christmas, it is good to remember all that he came to accomplish in his life, death, resurrection, and ascension 2,000 years ago. For many, remembering Jesus' humble birth in a barn is awkward because they haven't done so since last Christmas. For others, it's a joyful time of refreshing reflection as we remember that the immortal God put on mortal flesh so that by his death he could save all who would believe in him from the penalty and power of sin. And that's a glorious, worship-inspiring, God-glorifying thing to do. More Than Just Justified But it doesn't come as natural for us to remember that Jesus came not only to secure our justification, but also our sanctification. Do we remember that the effects of the incarnation had a worldwide scope, not to mention a cosmological one? You may know that the gospel will reach every tribe and tongue, but have you ever considered the fact that the baby born ...