Could You Be Our Next Teammate?
As I look forward to serving Jesus by investing in the men leading his church in Cameroon, I feel a deep sense of humility and excitement. Who is sufficient for such work? Who am I to take part in the King's expansion of his sovereign rule over the hearts of men? God is immeasurably kind and gracious. And as if this wasn't enough, he's provided an incredible team of godly co-workers. But we will be small in number. Now, God does amazing and impossible things, and he needs no outside resources. He spoke creation into existence and authored the salvation of mankind before anything or anyone existed. He killed the warrior Goliath through the sling and stone of David the shepherd boy. He defeated 120,000 Midianite soldiers with 300 Israelites. He defeated death when Christ rose from the dead.He will finally and decisively destroy sin and Satan when Christ returns. And in the meantime, the Lord Jesus Christ can and will build his church among all nations of the earth. He do...