Interview with a Translator

While I (Tabitha) was in Cameroon, I had the true privilege of meeting the team of Oroko translators. Along with World Team missionaries, they recently completed the translation of the New Testament and the book of Genesis. One of them, Pastor Elias Bea, has agreed to answer a few questions for our blog. Thank you for agreeing to this interview, Pastor Bea. Please tell us a little bit about yourself -- how you came to know Christ and how you became a pastor. My name is Elias Bea. I am an Oroko, from Big Bekondo in the Mbonge subdivision of the southwest region of Cameroon. I am married to Emilia and we have 5 children. I am a pastor with the Apostolic Church Cameroon (TACC), pastoring in Kumba. I was a rascal, smoking Indian hemp as young boy in primary school without the knowledge of my parents. I was a member of a very young group of thieves, and I was involved in skirmishes. I took the First School Leaving Certificate Exams two times and failed. After that, I decided to go b...