The Same God on Every Page

The wrath of God is an unpopular subject. A lot people, including many Christians, prefer to think only of God's grace. Some say that God was angry and vengeful in the Old Testament, but he changed his ways when he sent Jesus, whom they think was only meek and mild. But this false dichotomy undermines the gospel by which we are saved. The Old Testament is full of God's mercy, and the New Testament is full of God's wrath. Together, they paint one coherent picture of the God with whom there is no shadow due to change (Jas 1:17). And that's good news for you, me, and the people of Cameroon. Merciful From the Beginning A careful reading of the Old Testament shows that God was merciful from the start. In the garden of Eden, after sin entered the world and in the midst of God pronouncing judgment on Adam, Eve, and Satan, we read the promise that the seed of the woman would bruise the head of the serpent (Gen 3:15). In this grievous moment, God was already promising t...